Local Nature Recovery Strategy

‘Human Species declines by 98%’

A shocking thought which Gina Rowe from Warwickshire Wildlife Trust (WWT) challenged us with at the 2nd Thinking Thursday on 14th November 2024. This however, has happened to our water voles with most people remaining unaware. Species decline in Britain of our essential and much loved birds, insects (including pollinators), land and water based mammals, and wildflowers is huge and contributing to biodiversity loss. The Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) enshrined in the Environment Act 2021 and taking place across the UK seeks to understand, halt and reverse this decline. Climate change, habitat loss, non-native invasive species and farming practice all play a part.

Rugby is within the Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull LNRS and is the responsibility of county councils and other partners including WWT and the National Farmers' Union (NFU). Relevant to our first event about farming with nature, the importance of working with the farming community was emphasised. A mapping exercise is underway looking at maintaining and improving existing habitats and wildlife corridors and seeking new ones. Gardens and allotments are part of the picture. Rugby’s successful Ashlawn cutting was featured and we were fortunate to have one of the volunteers at the meeting. A survey of residents, businesses and organisations has taken place which will report in 2025 followed by a public consultation online. Some of us had completed the survey and we all agreed the Eco Hub is an ideal community way to engage with and contribute to this essential process. We thanked Gina for explaining the project and aims to us and are grateful that so many well informed and committed people are involved.